Spawn Warps

Table of Contents


Spawn Warps are a class of glitches that cause the party to warp to a specific spawn waypoint within a module. This can be used to cut out movement or in rare cases skip past otherwise problematic obstacles.

Default Spawn Warps

Every module has a waypoint inside of it that acts as a default spawn point. Under certain circumstances, an entry made to the module in a non-standard way (i.e. not by entering from an adjacent module) will cause the entire party to spawn at this default spawn point. A Default Spawn Warp, therefore, is any method of entering a module in a non-standard way.

There are currently two methods for warping to the default spawn location of a module; we’ll call the module we’re warping to the Destination Module.

Autosave Hotshots

Description: This method of Default Spawn Warp uses an Autosave Hotshot, which (almost) always spawns the party at the default spawn location for a module. While still a specialized glitch, Autosave Hotshots are the more flexible of the two Default Spawn Warp methods.


  1. Have an Autosave in your Destination Module.
  2. Use another Autosave with your desired party to perform an Autosave Hotshot.


The Routine

Description: By using the Routine to delete data from our save file, we can also delete the transit waypoint that we have set in the Destination Module. Using fast travel to Transit Back after performing a Routine will then return the party to the default spawn location in the Destination Module.


  1. Reach the Destination Module whose default spawn location you want to reach.
  2. Return to the Hideout/Ebon Hawk. This can be done either naturally or with a Fast Lane.
  3. Perform the Routine to delete the Destination Module (and its transit waypoint data) from your save file.
  4. After loading your Quick Save, Transit Back to reach the Destination Module’s default spawn location.


Transit Point Storage

Transit Point Storage is a specialized application of Autosave Hotshots that allows you to return to a fast travel waypoint in a module, even after using fast transit elsewhere.

There are three restrictions:


  1. When you first visit the module, set the transit point where you want to spawn.
  2. When you want to warp to that stored transit point, make sure you are in a module that Autosaves.
  3. Quick Save your current game and load the save described above.
  4. Go to the module you want to warp to so that the Autosave triggers, then Quick Load.
  5. Return to the Ebon Hawk/Hideout (possibly using a Fast Lane) and activate AMG on the load.
  6. Open the map and click Transit Back. This replaces the Quit pop-up with the Transit Back pop-up.
  7. Switch to the Options Menu and ensure both “OK” and “Load Game” are highlighted using the mouse.
  8. Press Enter. This transits back to the module you Quick Saved in, triggering an Autosave, and opens the Load Game menu.
  9. After loading in, use the Load Game menu to load the Autosave.


This glitch can be used to store only one transit point per module, but you can store one for every module and travel there as long as the Autosave conditions are met. See Forced Autosaves for a list of modules whose transit points can be warped to.


Default Spawn Warps are used several times in Unrestricted speedruns:

Transit Point Storage is used once in All Quests Unrestricted to return to the Dune Sea from Manaan.

Module Lists

Forced Autosaves

The following table contains all 28 modules that force an Autosave. These are modules that are eligible for Autosave Hotshots or Transit Point Storage.

Planet Module   Planet Module
Endar Spire Command Module   Korriban Sith Academy Entrance
Endar Spire Starboard Section   Korriban Valley of the Dark Lords
Taris Upper City South   Tatooine Anchorhead
Taris Upper City North   Tatooine Dune Sea
Taris Lower City   Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea
Taris Undercity   Manaan West Central
Taris Lower Sewers   Manaan Sith Base
Taris Vulkar Base   Manaan Hrakert Station
Taris Davik’s Estate   Manaan Hrakert Rift
Dantooine Courtyard   Leviathan Prison Block
Dantooine Ruins   Leviathan Command Deck
Dantooine Sandral Estate   Unknown Planet Temple Exterior
Kashyyyk Great Walkway   Unknown Planet Temple Main Floor
Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands   Star Forge Deck 1

Notable Default Spawns

This is a list of all 37 modules that have notable default spawn locations. While some modules’ default spawns are at the usual module transition locations, these modules have more interesting default spawns that may make a Default Spawn Warp worthwhile.

Planet Module Default Spawn Description Coordinates
Taris Upper City South In front of the door to Zelka’s medical clinic (188.06, 80.30)
Taris Upper City North Between Gorton Colu and the Lower City elevator (109.38, 123.36)
Taris North Apartments Between Sarna’s apartment and the Sith Soldier fight apartment (90.00, 125.21)
Taris Upper City Cantina In doorway between first room and hub (123.17, 110.00)
Taris Lower City In main hall near Lower City Apartments West entrance (322.53, 221.15)
Taris Lower City Apartments East In front of Matrik’s apartment (131.78, 93.41)
Taris Javyar’s Cantina In front of Zax, the bounty Hutt (110.00, 79.63)
Taris Undercity In front of crashed Republic escape pod (312.93, 234.66)
Taris Upper Sewers On ramp next to severed arm outside rancor room (215.16, 332.98)
Taris Vulkar Base In hall outside mined pool room (103.29, 115.92)
Taris Vulkar Garage Next to Garage Head’s Desk (46.36, 104.77)
Taris Sith Base In hall outside Assault Droid’s room (36.60, 3.80)
Dantooine Courtyard Between Adum Larp and Elise (163.22, 139.29)
Dantooine Matale Grounds In front of Matale Estate (320.48, 106.54)
Dantooine Grove Near Juhani’s ruins (427.97, 388.46)
Dantooine Sandral Grounds In front of Sandral Estate (335.47, 152,35)
Tatooine Docking Bay Behind Czerka Customs Officer (-6.83, -26.73)
Tatooine Sand People Territory In front of Eastern Dune Sea entrance (311.22, 312.25)
Manaan Docking Bay At end of short hall out of Ebon Hawk dock (252.15, 190.30)
Manaan West Central In small room near Selkath Port Official (-40.48, 65.02)
Manaan East Central Just inside Republic Embassy entrance (66.14, 63.00)
Manaan Ahto West In prison next to Sunry’s cell (29.74, 12.33)
Manaan Ahto East Just inside entrance to swoop bar (-86.82, 25.05)
Manaan Sith Base In small room past steam vents (205.71, 110.68)
Manaan Kolto Control In depressurization room with force field (219.06, 105.57)
Manaan Hrakert Rift On bridge just in front of the Progenitor (163.34, 105.25)
Korriban Shyrack Caves At mouth of cave with renegade Sith students (98.51, 108.55)
Korriban Tomb of Tulak Hord Right in front of ancient console (92.17, 74.55)
Leviathan Prison Block Inside cell from Saul torture cutscene (21.25, 44.01)
Leviathan Command Deck Right outside door from Leviathan Bridge (137.20, 54.66)
Leviathan Hangar At top of ramp leading to Malak confrontation (154.16, 154.91)
Unknown Planet Temple Exterior Near Mandalorian fight trigger to right of temple (264.19, 86.21)
Unknown Planet South Beach Outside entrance to Elder Rakata settlement (44.58, 125.22)
Unknown Planet North Beach On beach outside Warrior Rakata settlement (164.64, 182.47)
Unknown Planet Rakatan Settlement In cell with Elder Warrior (49.97, 158.84)
Unknown Planet Temple Main Floor In room with two Dark Jedi next to Sith Master (78.75, 70.10)
Unknown Planet Temple Catacombs In front of door to tile puzzle room (74.92, 79.60)